Category: Projects

A Video Production Company

Raw Energy – Provincial Football Starring #57

This is the second video I made of Karl Peters, hired by his mom to film his provincial game out in Red Deer. I showed up on the chilly day to a huge arena ready to capture Karl at his Best. In fact I captured every move he made that night. Choosing the clips was…
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NYE 2024 at The Rocky Mountain Ice House

Happy New Years! This event was a blast to film and edit. The client asked for a one minute video showcasing his 80’s 90’s 2000’s I love Old School Party, and it was a real success. I was the photographer of the night also which posed as a welcomed challenge. The night came to a…
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A Night of Collecting Neighborhood B-Roll

Sometimes you can find an area along a walk in certain neighborhoods where you can collect b-roll shots you can use in future films. Capturing the highlights of the neighborhood or the essence of it is what I like to do most. I remember that walk. The sun was going down and the light reflecting…
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The Sunset Streetcar Pop-Up Concert

Sunset and a rainbow view over the city on the High level bridge, with your date. This is Edmonton’s Official Street Car that you can catch just off Whyte Avenue in Old Strathcona. This was a commissioned video where a Client asked for raw footage only, but I decided to use the footage to make…
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